Tuesday, August 29

Oh now that's fast

My iBook is now the proud owner of 1.5GB of memory, and very proud he is too. And why shouldn't he be? Look how quickly he can leap between apps.

But seriously... this extra memory is absolutely great. Currently I have open: Finder, Safari, Mail, Address Book, Adium, iTunes, iCal, Pages, Photoshop CS8, NetNewsWire, Dictionary and Preview. I can jump between them instantly; no lag whatsoever. Now this is what using a Mac is all about. And... I still have 760MB or RAM still free. That's crazy!

I bought from Crucial, which was quick and painless. The cost totalled around £80. And fitting the module was straight-forward enough.

The purchase of this RAM module was instead of a brand spanking new MacBook. I'm sticking with my trusty iBook for the time being, and that built in 512 just wasn't cutting the mustard.


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